Workshops and results
Workshops at public events
Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación 2020
Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación (Science and Innovation Week) at UC3M: "Escape room online sobre criptografía simétrica con Crypto Go".
Speakers: Ana I. González-Tablas Ferreres, Maribel González Vasco, Sergio Pastrana Portillo, Ángel Pérez del Pozo. Colabora la URJC. With the collaboration of URJC. Date: November 13th, 2020, Leganés.
Technological Fridays 2020
Crypto Go participates in the program "Viernes Tecnológicos" (Technological Fridays), at UC3M, that promotes STEM studies to secundary students.
Speakers: Ana I. González-Tablas Ferreres, Maribel González Vasco, Sergio Pastrana Portillo. Dates: February 14th, 2020 (session planned on March 20th was suspended because the COVID-19 pandemic), Leganés.
HackOn 2020
Crypto Go particpates with one workshop in II Jornadas en Ciberseguridad (HackON), at URJC, for students of URJC and specially students of the Bachelor Degree on Cybersecurity.
Speakers: Maribel González Vasco, Ana I. González-Tablas Ferreres. Dates: February 6th, 2019, URJC (Móstoles).
Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación 2019
Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación (Science and Innovation Week) at UC3M: "Crypto Go: juega a las cartas y aprende a proteger tus mensajes con criptografía simétrica".
Speakers: Ana I. González-Tablas Ferreres, Maribel González Vasco. Date: November 14th, 2019, Leganés.
Hack&Kids at CONPilar 2019
Crypto Go participated in CONPilar 2019, within the family workshop day Hack&Kids 2019.
Speakers: Ana I. González-Tablas Ferreres. Date: April 13th, 2019, Zaragoza.
Madrid for Science and Innovation fair
T3chFest 2019
Crypto Go participated in T3chFest, within Learn with T3chFest 2019 with two workshops, one for general public and other for families.
Speakers: Ana I. González-Tablas Ferreres, Maribel González Vasco. Date: March 9th, 2019, La Nave de Google, Madrid.
Photos family wks.: LWTF19_1, LWTF19_2, LWTF19_3, LWTF19_4, LWTF19_5, LWTF19_6, LWTF19_7, LWTF19_8, LWTF19_9, LWTF19_10, LWTF19_11, LWTF19_12, LWTF19_13
Photos general public wks.: LWTF19_14
Technological Fridays 2019
Crypto Go participates in the program "Viernes Tecnológicos" (Technological Fridays), at UC3M, that promotes STEM studies to secundary students.
Speakers: Ana I. González-Tablas Ferreres, Maribel González Vasco. Dates: February 15th and May 10th, 2019, UC3M (Leganés)
Photos: VT19_1, VT19_2, VT19_3, VT19_4, VT19_5, VT19_6, VT19_7, VT19_8, VT19_9, VT19_10, VT19_11
HackOn 2019
Crypto Go particpates with one workshop in I Jornadas en Ciberseguridad (HackON), at URJC, for students of URJC and specially students of the Bachelor Degree on Cybersecurity.
Speakers: Maribel González Vasco, Ana I. González-Tablas Ferreres. Dates: January 30th, 2019, URJC (Móstoles).
CyberCamp 2018
Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación 2018
Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación (Science and Innovation Week) at UC3M: "Crypto Go: juega a las cartas y aprende a proteger tus mensajes con criptografía simétrica".
Speakers: Ana I. González-Tablas Ferreres, Maribel González Vasco, Álvaro Planet Palomino. Date: November 15th, 2018, Leganés.
Photos: SC18_1
HoneyCON 2018
Family Track Workshop: "Crypto Go: juega a las cartas y aprende a proteger tus mensajes con criptografía simétrica".
Speakers: Ana I. González-Tablas Ferreres, Maribel González Vasco, Álvaro Planet Palomino. Date: November 10th, 2018, Guadalajara.
Workshops at private events
Course 2019-2020
During course 2019-2020 we plan to deliver a Crypto Go workshop in the next secondary and tertiary education institutions:
Colegio María Teresa (January 2020)
IES Guadarrama (January 2020)
C.E.P.A. Sierra Norte (April 2020) - suspended because the COVID-19 pandemic.
Curso 2018-2019
During course 2018-2019 we have delivered a Crypto Go workshop in the next secondary and tertiary education institutions:
Colegio Amanecer (26.nov.2018 4º ESO and BACH)
Grado en Ingeniería de la Seguridad de la UC3M (28.nov.2019 3er year group A; 28.nov.2019 3er year group B)
IES Luis Vives (04.dec.2018 Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior in "Administración de Sistemas Informáticos en Red")
IES El Cañaveral (11.jan.2019 Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio in "Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes")
IES La Salle (16.jan.2019 Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior in "Administración de Sistemas Informáticos en Red")
IES La Arboleda (06.feb.2019 Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior en "Administración de Sistemas Informáticos en Red")
Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la UC3M (01.feb.2019 2º year Group 81, 11.apr.2019 2º year Group 82)
González-Tablas, A.I.; González Vasco, M.I.; Cascos, I.; Planet Palomino, Á. Shuffle, Cut, and Learn: Crypto Go, A Card Game for Teaching Cryptography. Mathematics 2020, 8, 1993. URI:
González-Tablas Ferreres, Ana Isabel; González Vasco, María Isabel (2018). "Crypto Go": criptografía simétrica en tapete verde" (in Spanish). Proceedings of Cuartas Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (JNIC 2018) : Servicio Editorial De Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Pp. 53-54. URI:
González-Tablas Ferreres, Ana I.; María Isabel González Vasco, Maribel. Aprendiendo en la sobremesa: Crypto Go, un juego de cartas para dominar la criptografía simétrica (in Spanish). Talk in I Jornadas de Innovación Docente en grados y posgrados en Ciencias Experimentales e Ingenierías (I JIDOCEIN). Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles (España). 20-21 de septiembre de 2018. Video of the talk (in Spanish):
(c) Copyright 2018 of web site and its elements. Ana Isabel González-Tablas Ferreres, María Isabel González Vasco. All rights reserved.
(c) Copyright 2018 of Crypto Go. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. All rights reserved, unless it is stated otherwise.