Block Ciphers (BC)
Plaintexts are parsed in pieces (blocks) which are later transformed, one by one, and mixed up with the key. This process can be reverted, using the key, to retrieve the input blocks.
Block ciphers (BC) in Crypto Go
BC cards allow building Crypto Set CS1 (Confidentiality + Integrity + Authentication) when combined with an AE card.
BC cards also allow building Crypto Set CS2 (Confidentiality) when combined with an OM card.
Lastly, BC cards also allow building Crypto Set CS3 (Integrity + Authentication) when combined with an appropriate MAC card.
BC combined with an AE, to build a CS1
BC combined with OM, to build a CS2
BC combined with a MAC, to build a CS3
Crypto Go contains 32 BC cards, including the following 8 concrete tools:
- Camellia
- Serpent
- Three-Key-3DES
- Two-Key-3DES
- Kasumi
- Blowfish>=80-b keys
(c) Copyright 2018 of web site and its elements. Ana Isabel González-Tablas Ferreres, María Isabel González Vasco. All rights reserved.
(c) Copyright 2018 of Crypto Go. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. All rights reserved, unless it is stated otherwise.